AI for exposing
fake news

Research and fact-check news across the whole internet in seconds

Unbiased. Accurate. Trusted.

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Search the whole internet and find the original source and how the news evolved with time


Use the graph to find the true information from reliable sources and see where other people, events, and sources fit into the whole picture

GDPR and security
are our #1 priority

We take data security very seriously. We keep your data safe by using the strongest encryption methods. We are fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensuring that our data practices are transparent and respect user privacy.

Why using Unravel?

We help news media companies research
and verify information in seconds.

value ↑

As a media company, trust of your audience is everything. Use of a completely unbiased third-party tool that proves your media channel REALLY cares about making truthful news will increase the trust and value of the company's brand.

& Output ↑

Analyze content on the Internet and social media based on bias, plagiarism, opinion/fact ratio, credibility, AI-content presence, and other factors to reduce the time and resources your editorial department spends on fact-checking news.

Company's revenue ↑

Unravel turns intensive and time-consuming fact-checking process into a matter of a few clicks, thereby multiplying the amount of news articles written and substantially increasing the revenue of your media company in the long term.

Unravel features

  • Source Verification: Research and trace the origin of news stories.
  • Fact-Checking Tool: Evaluate text for bias, source credibility, and more.
  • Social Media Analysis: Track the origin and spread of information across networks.
  • News Evolution Graph: Visualize how news develops and disseminates.
  • System Integration API: Seamlessly connect with your existing platforms.
  • Image & Video Verification (Coming Soon): Analyze visual content for authenticity.

About Us

Sergey and Arsenii were born and raised in Russia, in a country where the media cannot be trusted. Naturally, they grew up not trusting the media and every time they see a social media post on X or some biased news article - they don’t trust it and fact-check everything themselves because they hate to have their thoughts influenced by large brands, government, and mass media.

The younger generation is the most vulnerable to misinformation and political fake news as they get their information mostly from social media networks such as X, Facebook, or TikTok.

The Unravel team, understanding the sophisticated nature of the problem, decided to develop an absolutely unbiased and truth-seeking AI that accurately verifies information across the whole internet.

Our partners

We proudly partner with leading tech companies

Your questions answered

How does Unravel work?
Unravel is an AI tool that uses a graph neural network to research and verify information online, including on social media. It considers factors like political bias, whether content is fact or opinion, source credibility, related references, etc. Unravel then labels information as True, False, Misleading, and more, ensuring an unbiased analysis.
Why should I trust Unravel?
Unravel is not influenced by any government, media company, or any other entity. We are an independent provider of AI technology that verifies information without any biases or strings attached. We comply with the AI Act and GDPR. We are a group of people who are simply tired of fake news and misinformation, so we decided to develop the ultimate solution. It's made by people for people using AI, to ensure complete bias-free fact-checking. We work with leading media providers, independent journalists, and the best AI engineers to ensure our AI is accurate.
Is my data safe?
Yes, your information is encrypted, meaning it is absolutely secure and only you can access it. We are GDPR-compliant, so we guarantee the safety of your data. Our models are not trained on user data. We can also integrate our platform into your infrastructure completely, ensuring you have the full control.
Does Unravel work with images and deepfakes?
Currently, Unravel works only with text. Analysis of deepfakes and images is in progress and will be available soon.
How can I start using Unravel?
Currently we provide our services primarily to news media outlets and media companies that use our product for information verification. Soon, it will available to everyone through the website and our app (sign up for our newsletter to stay updated!)

If you represent a media company, you can request a demo under "Contact Us" and we will be in touch shortly to set it up for you.
How much does it cost?
The pricing is completely custom based on the amount of licenses your company needs and what is going be to the usage of our APIs.
How Unravel is better than any other AI?
We have developed proprietary technology that verifies information accurately. Unravel is working with world-leading providers of unbiased media, independent journalists, and the best AI engineers to train our proprietary AI to ensure it is as unbiased and accurate as possible.
Does it work in multiple languages?
Yes, it's available in English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese, and other languages.

Sign up for waitlist!

Would like to be the first to try our unbiased AI fact checker and make your media company the voice of truth? Sign up for the waitlist, and we you will be the first to be notified when Unravel is available for use.

If you would like to know more about Unravel, our products, and how we fight fake news on the internet, feel free to send us and email by clicking the button below and we will be in touch with you shortly

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